LCD Displays (GPIO)
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The brightness / contrast can make it a little difficult to read. If this is the case, try adding a 1k or 2k resistor to pin 3 and pin 16 of the display
In this getting started with LCD module tutorial, we are going to learn interfacing an LCD module with popular development boards like Arduino Nano, Uno, Mega, and Leonardo.
16x2 LCD module
Arduino Mega
LiquidCrystal Library
LCD modules are coming in different colors and sizes with a different number of displayable characters. the most commonly used one is LCD1602 which can display 16 characters in each line, that is a total of 32 characters. Some other sizes are,
LCD1604 - 16 char / 4 line
LCD2004 - 20 char / 4 line
LCD1602 - 16 char / 2 line
LCD1601 - 16 char / 1 line etc...
We can use the Library in 4 or 8 bit mode. In this tutorial we will use it in 4 bit mode, or we will just use 4 of the 8 data pins.
We are interfacing the LCD1602 with Arduino using the data pins of the LCD module. The same code and circuit will work for all Arduino and compatible boards.Connect the circuit as shown in the below diagram.
First connect the ground
of Arduino to the VSS
of the LCD.
Then connect the V0
of the LCD to the ground
for full contrast
Then connect RW
to the ground
for selecting write mode
Then connect K
, which is the ground
of backlight LED also to the ground.
Then connect the 5V
of Arduino to the VDD
of the LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 12
of Arduino to the RS
of LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 11
of Arduino to the E
of LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 5
of Arduino to the D4
of LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 4
of Arduino to the D5
of LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 3
of Arduino to the D6
of LCD module.
Then connect the digital pin 2
of Arduino to the D7
of LCD module.
And finally connect the 3.3V
of Arduino to the A
of LCD which is the anode of backlight LED.
Alternatively, to make a variable contrast and only require a 5V output
This example sketch shows how to use the autoscroll() and noAutoscroll() methods to move all the text on the display left or right.
moves all the text one space to the left each time a letter is added
turns scrolling off
This sketch prints the characters 0
to 9
with autoscroll off, then moves the cursor to the bottom right, turns autoscroll on, and prints them again.
This example sketch shows how to use the blink() and noBlink() methods to blink a block-style cursor.
It is also possible to write a custom characters to the LCD. It supports up to 8 characters of 5×8 pixels.
We can specify the appearance of each character by an array of 8 bytes. In the source code below we can notice how we can specify the appearance of the character by changing the 0 into 1 which represents the 5×8 pixels. In the setup we have to create the custom character using the createChar() function.
The first parameter in this function is a number between 0 and 7, or we have to reserve one of the 8 supported custom characters. The second parameter is the name of the array of bytes. We write the custom character to the display using the write() function and as a parameter we use the number of the character.
You can write a filled in block with character 255
Find the symbol's binary address and print like this: