4. Sensors
There are a huge number of sensors available to us. Here we will learn about PIR motion detectors and an I2C environmental sensor
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There are a huge number of sensors available to us. Here we will learn about PIR motion detectors and an I2C environmental sensor
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Temperature and Humidity:
DHT11/DHT22 (Digital, GPIO)
AM2302 (I2C)
SHT31 (I2C)
BME280 (I2C/SPI - also measures pressure)
Barometric Pressure:
BMP180 (I2C)
BMP388 (I2C/SPI)
Air Quality:
MQ-series gas sensors (Analog: MQ-2, MQ-135, etc.)
CCS811 (I2C - VOC and eCO2)
SGP30 (I2C - VOC and CO2)
Light and UV:
TSL2561/TSL2591 (I2C - light intensity)
VEML6070 (I2C - UV index)
BH1750 (I2C - ambient light)
KY-038 (Analog/Digital - microphone)
MAX4466/MAX9814 (Analog - microphone)
Accelerometer and Gyroscope:
MPU6050 (I2C - 6-axis accelerometer/gyroscope)
LSM6DS3 (I2C/SPI - 6-axis IMU)
HMC5883L (I2C)
Inertial Measurement Units (IMU):
MPU9250 (I2C - 9-axis IMU)
BNO055 (I2C - integrated IMU with onboard processing)
Distance and Proximity:
HC-SR04 (Digital, GPIO - ultrasonic)
VL53L0X (I2C - laser time-of-flight)
Tilt and Vibration:
SW-520D (Digital - tilt sensor)
Piezo vibration sensors (Analog)
Current and Voltage:
INA219 (I2C - voltage and current monitoring)
ACS712 (Analog - current sensing)
Magnetic Field:
A3144 (Digital - Hall effect)
Pulse and Heart Rate:
MAX30102/MAX30100 (I2C - pulse oximeter and heart rate)
MLX90614 (I2C - infrared thermopile for contactless temperature)
OV7670 (SPI - low-resolution image capture)
Color Sensors:
TCS34725 (I2C - RGB color sensing)
TTP223 (Digital - capacitive touch sensor)
APDS-9960 (I2C - gesture recognition)
NEO-6M (UART - GPS module)
RC522 (SPI - RFID reader)
Soil Moisture:
Soil moisture sensors (Analog)
Water Level/Leak Detection:
YL-69 (Analog - water level)
A Passive Infra Red sensor senses changes in heat and are often found in alarm systems
Here we will activate a buzzer when motion is detected
The AHT 20 sensor detected temperature and humidity