A powerful feature of the Pi Pico is it's ability to connect to the internet to send and receive data.
Here's we will connect to an Adafruit server to get the local time and display it on an Oled Screen
Copy and paste this key into the code: aio_GeLK691wqaYsOf1CDcbAjhH8FUqk
Copy and paste this key into the code: aio_GeLK691wqaYsOf1CDcbAjhH8FUqk
import os, ipaddress, wifi, ssl, socketpool, adafruit_requestsimport timeimport adafruit_ahtx0import adafruit_rgbledimport board, busio, displayio, digitalio, terminaliofrom i2cdisplaybus import I2CDisplayBusfrom adafruit_display_text import labelimport adafruit_displayio_ssd1306# Setupdisplayio.release_displays()i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP17, board.GP16)# uses board.SCL and board.SDAdisplay_bus =I2CDisplayBus(i2c, device_address=0x3c)display = adafruit_displayio_ssd1306.SSD1306(display_bus, width=128, height=64)display.root_group = displayio.Group()led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP13)led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUTprint("Connecting to WiFi")wifi.radio.connect("Grid", "Wu@/=oPi3[/~S$")print("Connected to WiFi")#!!!!COPY AND PASTE THE ACCESS KEY HEREkey =""TIME_URL =f"https://io.adafruit.com/api/v2/flatres/integrations/time/strftime?x-aio-key={key}"TIME_URL +="&fmt=%25H%3A%25M"display.root_group = displayio.Group()text ="Connected"text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text, x=33, y=32)display.root_group.append(text_area)time.sleep(1)pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio)# prints IP address to REPLprint("My IP address is", wifi.radio.ipv4_address)# pings Googletry: ipv4 = ipaddress.ip_address("")print("Ping google.com: %f ms"% (wifi.radio.ping(ipv4)*1000))exceptExceptionas e:print('Error')pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio)requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context())light =FalseoldTime =""alarmTime ='14:02'whileTrue:print("Fetching time from", TIME_URL)try: response = requests.get(TIME_URL)print(response.text)#Check the Alarmif response.text == alarmTime: led.value =Trueelse: led.value =False#Write time to screen if it has changed if response.text == oldTime: time.sleep(0.1)else: display.root_group = displayio.Group() text = response.text oldTime = text text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text, scale=3, x=20, y=22) display.root_group.append(text_area) response.close()exceptExceptionas e:print('Error') time.sleep(1)#CHALLENGES#1 Move the time so that it is displayed in the center of the screen#2 Create a splash screen that is displayed until the wifi is connected#3 Make the LED blink when the alarm goes off#4 Make a buzzer sounds when the alarm goes off